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Contaminated Soils

contaminated soilsContaminated soil refers to soil which has been infiltrated by man-made chemicals and we handle the following types:

  • Hazardous and non-hazardous petroleum hydrocarbons: petrol, diesel fuel, kerosene, as well as gas or heating
  • Non-hazardous metalloid soils
  • Asbestos soil.

We will analyse the soil first, if this has not already been completed, to decide whether it is hazardous or non-hazardous. Our Tattingstone site can dispose of these soils but if the contamination level exceeds our licensed threshold we can organise the transportation and final disposal at another facility.

We work closely with companies that remove on behalf of insurance claims from all over East Anglia. This service is best done further afield with a wagon and drag option if the volume is high, due to 6 cubic yards being the limit for soil filled skips. We will do our best to keep the cost as low as we can for the customer.

Please call our technical team on 01473 327596 for more information.


Asbestos Disposal

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